Joseph Kabila séjourne en Afrique du Sud pour un webinaire ce vendredi à The University of Johannesburg’s SARChi Chair. Thème: Réflexions sur le leadership de développement dans un pays post-conflit, cas de la RDC.
Selon le programme, le Président honoraire de la République Démocratique du Congo fait son intervention à 13h30, heure de Joburg. Il avait quitté la République Démocratique du Congo jeudi à 20h.
Dear Colleagues, Scholars & Guests
The University of Johannesburg’s SARChi Chair: African Diplomacy and Foreign Policy and The Centre for African Diplomacy and Leadership, invites you to a webinar, by Mr J Kabila Kabange, Former President of the DRC on Reflections on Leadership Development in a Post-Conflict Country, the DRC.
The University of Johannesburg’s SARChi Chair: African Diplomacy and Foreign Policy and The Centre for African Diplomacy and Leadership, invites you to a webinar, by Mr J Kabila Kabange, Former President of the DRC.
Reflections on Leadership Development in a Post-Conflict Country, the DRC.
Programme Chair: Prof Chris Landsberg
Date: 16 July 2021
Time: 13:30
RSVP: by 15 July 2021 to